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Launch of “We'll Find A Way” – A Music Video for the Planet

On June 15, “Well Find A Way,”  a music video and song for the planet, was launched in Halifax at St. Matthews United Church.

At the event, were all the members of Planet Atlantic including celebrated East Coast artists, Dave Carroll, Chelsea Nisbett, Ian Sherwood, Kim Wempe, Carmel Mikol and Michael Redden, together with “We’ll Find A Way” songwriters Melanie Donnelly, Joanna Butler and Catherine Kinsman.

A sacred aboriginal ceremony led by Hubert Francis, began the evening which was co-hosted by the producers of the music video, Ken Petersen and Catherine Kinsman of Vital Scenes Productions. The audience was also treated to a special behind-the-scenes short film and inspiring messages from guest speakers, 

Reverend Betsy Hogan and meteorologist/ environmental advocate, Richard Zurawski.  The songwriters took the opportunity to thank all the artists, song producer Scott Ferguson who also managed sound for the event, and the more than 150 volunteers who participated in the filming of the video here in Nova Scotia.

In honour of these efforts for the planet, there were special messages from children and a greeting from the Honourable Sterling Belliveau, NS Minister of Environment, delivered by the Nova Scotia Youth Conservation Corps. A casual reception followed the film screenings, during which the audience mingled with the artists, songwriters and producers and enjoyed  refreshments, some eco-door prizes and live music by several of the artists. 

We’ll Find A Way” has been endorsed by the David Suzuki Foundation which, with Ecology Action Centre and Solar Aid, will share in all profits from sales of a $15.00 compilation CD available at the event and at HMV on Spring Garden Road. The single “We’ll Find a Way” is also available in I-Tunes.

Watch the behind-the-scenes “Making It Happen” Documentary


Update 2017:

CD now available by contacting joannabutler@gmail.com.

The single available on i-Tunes, Spotify, Apple Music. Search "We'll Find a Way" and any one of the artists names.

The video is on You Tube, search We'll Find a Way by Planet Atlantic.