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All profits help the planet

Order an 11 song compilation CD


Songwriters Joanna Butler, Catherine Kinsman, Melanie Donnelly who initiated the project

The performing artists on the recording and music video: Dave Carroll, Ian Sherwood, Chelsea Nisbett, Kim Wempe, Carmel Mikol, Michael Redden and the songwriters

Scott Ferguson of Ferguson Music Productions for audio recording production

Vital Scenes Productions Inc. producers, Ken Petersen & Catherine Kinsman for Music Video & Promotional Video production; Planet Atlantic CD, Website & Poster design

The 150 volunteers - cast and crew - who participated in making the music video

SpinCount’s Kim Sinclair for releasing, tracking and promoting the song on radio

Vista Care Communications for providing equipment critical to the location filming of the music video

Hope For Wildlife Centre for film location and logistics support

Creative Atlantic for providing post production facilities

Forestall Studios & Frank Forestall, for contributed to special effects

Colour Communications for contributing design and promotions support

St. Matthew’s United Church as venue sponsor of the June 15 screening celebration

Halifax Seed donated seed packets for use by the project as thank you gifts.

Just Us donated fair trade organic coffee and hot chocolate for the film shoot

Clean Nova Scotia

Atlantic Superstore, Barrington Street, Halifax

Planet Organic, Halifax

and many more individuals.....  Thank you!!!!

Thank you to everyone who has generously contributed to the We’ll Find A Way project!

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